(Blue) Aquaring – Exfoliation (Glass skin)
Among the properties of gluconolactone (PHA),
it has the property of attracting moisture →
Excellent moisture transfer ability
Hypoallergenic exfoliation:
'Mild hypoallergenic' peeling ingredient that removes
old dead skin cells
(Green) Brightening – Whitening
Glycolic acid (GA) has the best peeling
effect among AHA ingredients
Care for freckles and pigmentation:
Skin texture & Tone up
(Green) Brightening – Whitening
- Jessner Ingredients: Mixed peeling made by
selecting only the strengths of AHA and
BHA - Facilitates clogged sebum
discharge: trouble care
If purchased as a set, you will receive
1 TOAS Esthetic Glass Ball + 1 Peeling Brush + 1 Esthetic Sponge!
TOAS Derma Self Peeling 3 Kit
Ratings : ★★★★★
Skin Type : Acne, when the skin is rough andhas a lot of dead skin
Item Form : each 30ml
Weight : 30g
(Blue) Aquaring : Gluconolactone PHA - Exfoliate
(Green) Brightening : Glycolic Acid GA - Whitening
(Orange) Caring : Jessner - Acne
Unit count(MOQ) : 1EA / To. toaskorea1@naver.com